What Is StemWave?

Introducing StemWave: An FDA-listed medical device that harnesses the gentle, yet potent energy of acoustic waves, effectively awakening your body’s innate healing abilities. Bid farewell to musculoskeletal discomfort and inflammation as you embrace this non-invasive treatment option. Take the leap onto a transformative journey towards renewed well-being, all without the need for invasive procedures. Start experiencing the exceptional benefits of StemWave today.

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How Stemwave Works

The patented applicator is held against the skin to administer a high-energy acoustic wave which penetrates deep into the body, sending pulses of acoustic energy to treat the abnormal area.

If no active joint or muscle pain is present, there is rarely discomfort.

If muscular or joint pain is present, the focused shockwaves help find the source of the pain and the shockwave administer will use gentle pulses throughout the affected area. Some mild discomfort is associated with damaged tissue, but this discomfort remains quite tolerable for most patients.

The soundwaves work to increase the blood flow to the injured area. This stimulates the body to kick off the healing process. The increased blood flow brings additional nutrients to the injured tissue, aids the formation of new blood vessels, and kickstarts the regeneration and reparation of bones and tissue.

This non-invasive therapy is quickly delivered on an outpatient basis. During treatment, you will either sit or lie on a bed and a medical professional will apply a generous amount of ultrasound gel to the injured area before placing the device on the targeted region. While the therapy is being delivered, you will experience slight discomfort but nothing unbearable. Afterwards, you are free to leave and go about your day though it is recommended to avoid anything strenuous for 48 hours.

Does Stemwave Really Work?

Depending in the treatment type and your condition, studies show success rates of up to 91%.

Is The Treatment Painful?

There may be mild discomfort, but patients typically don’t complain of treatment pain.

How Long Is A Stemwave Treatment?

Most treatment sessions average between 5-10 minutes.

What Conditions Can Be Treated With Stemwave?

Stemwave therapy can successfully address acute and chronic musculoskeletal injures related to: knee, heel, foot, ankle, hamstring, back, pelvis, neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand, just to name a few. Further research and development can find even more breakthrough treatment options in the future.

How Long Does A Stemwave Treatment Take To Show Improvement?

Oftentimes, patients feel immediate relief.

Are There Any Side Effects of Stemwave Therapy?

No side effects. Some patients might notice a slight redness at the treatment site for a day.