Hello!! Back aches can really hinder your concentration, productivity at work and home, and not allow you to enjoy life as much as you would like.  What ever the reason you probably don’t want to live with this much longer.  Back aches can be caused by a number of reasons.  These reasons range from a list of things like: car crashes, falls or accidents, repetitive motions, sitting for work or pleasure too long, bending over, or simply just a bad back.

Instead of only covering up the symptoms with over the counter stuff you need to get to what is causing the problem.  In most cases the cause of the problem is mis-alignments (subluxations) in your spine.  Don’t get me wrong, there is a time and a place for the over the counter stuff, like when you can’t sleep or if you really need to concentrate.  Overuse of the over the counter stuff can lead to toxic liver and kidneys so be very careful with these things and make sure you work with a skilled Medical Doctor.

Now to address the misalignment it is important to get evaluated by someone that is specifically trained in examining the spine properly.  Since I am a Chiropractor that is who I would recommend for being your Back Aches Doctor in Prescott, AZ.  Most Chiropractors are highly trained in examining the spine and specifically adjusting problem areas.  Now massage, acupuncture, and other wholisitic modalities are of great benefit and can help, but unless you address the mis-alignments the problem may keep coming back.

Why would I want to get my spine adjusted?  There are numerous reasons for this questions but the main one for the purpose of this article is that it is proven that it gets the best results out of any other modality available including medical care. The other super important reason is that your nerves, which tell you body what do (including muscles, organs, and….) are being disturbed.  When this happens your muscles, and organs will not work at there optimum so in general you will not be as healthy as you could be. For lower back aches we often think of digestive, reproductive, and urinary (kidney, and bladder) issues to name a few. This is also the reason it is also important to keep your spine healthy even if you don’t have any aches or pains.

Once you are out of aches and pain it is important to continue with your wellness care which would include exercises, eating properly, sleeping well, and yes making sure your body is free of the mis-aligments (subluxations) in order to be at optimal health. So check out your Back Aches Doctor in Prescott, AZ at (928) 853-5520.

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